X11workbench Toolkit  1.0
Child frame Window API

Data Structures

struct  tagWBChildFrame
 Structure that defines a Child Frame within a Frame Window. More...
struct  tagWBChildFrameUI
 Structure that defines a Child Frame's UI, mainly for a 'superclass'. More...


#define CHILD_FRAME_TAG   (*((const unsigned int * const)"FWCF"))
 TAG for the WBChildFrame structure.
#define CHILD_FRAME_UI_TAG   ((WB_UINT32)'F' | ((WB_UINT32)'W' << 8) | ((WB_UINT32)'C' << 16) | ((WB_UINT32)'U' << 24)) /* FWCU */
 TAG for the WBChildFrameUI structure.
#define EDIT_WINDOW_TAG   (*((const unsigned int * const)"FWEW"))
 TAG for the WBEditWindow structure.


typedef struct tagWBChildFrame WBChildFrame
 Structure that defines a Child Frame within a Frame Window. More...
typedef struct tagWBChildFrameUI WBChildFrameUI
 Structure that defines a Child Frame's UI, mainly for a 'superclass'. More...


enum  WBChildFrame_FLAGS {
  WBChildFrame_NO_TAB = 1,
  WBChildFrame_PIXELS = 2,
  WBChildFrame_VSPLIT = 4,
  WBChildFrame_HSPLIT = 8,
  WBChildFrame_SPLIT_MASK = 12,
  WBChildFrame_SPLIT_NOSIZE = 16
 enumeration for 'fFlags' member of WBChildFrame More...


int FWInitChildFrame (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame, WBFrameWindow *pOwner, WB_FONTC pFont, const char *szFocusMenu, const WBFWMenuHandler *pHandlerArray, WBWinEvent pUserCallback, int fFlags)
 Initialize a child frame (assumed to be a base 'class' for the window) More...
void FWDestroyChildFrame (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame)
 Destroy an Child Frame. More...
void FWSetChildFrameMenu (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame, const char *szFocusMenu)
 Function to assign the menu resource to a Child Frame. More...
void FWSetChildFrameContextMenuID (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame, int nID)
 Function to assign the context menu ID (from the menu resource) to a Child Frame. More...
void FWSetChildFrameMenuHandlers (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame, const WBFWMenuHandler *pHandlerArray)
 Function to assign menu handlers to a Child Frame. More...
void FWSetChildFrameDisplayName (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame, const char *szDisplayName)
 Assign the display name. More...
void FWSetChildFrameImageAtom (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame, Atom aImage)
 Assign the image atom for the child frame. the image appears in the tab associated with the child frame. More...
void FWSetChildFrameExtent (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame, int iXExtent, int iYExtent)
 Set the X,Y extent for the child frame (notifies everything) More...
void FWSetChildFrameScrollInfo (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame, int iRow, int iMaxRow, int iCol, int iMaxCol, int iRowHeight, int iColWidth)
 Set the X,Y extent for the child frame (notifies everything) More...
void FWChildFrameRecalcLayout (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame)
 Child frame notification callback (called by frame window) More...
void FWChildFrameStatusChanged (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame)
 Notify Child Frame to update status text in Frame Window. More...
int FWChildFrameQueryClose (WBChildFrame *pChildFrame)
 Returns if it's safe to close the child frame; prompts user as needed. More...
int FWChildFrameEvent (Window wID, XEvent *pEvent)
 Default event handler for Child Frame window. More...
static __inline__ WBChildFrameFWGetChildFrameStruct (Window wID)
 Obtain the associated WBChildFrame structure pointer for a Window ID. More...
#define FW_FILE_NEW_ACCEL   "Ctrl+N"
#define FW_FILE_CLOSE_ACCEL   "Ctrl+F4"
#define FW_FILE_OPEN_ACCEL   "Ctrl+O"
#define FW_FILE_SAVE_ACCEL   "Ctrl+S"
#define FW_FILE_SAVE_AS_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Shift+S"
#define FW_FILE_SAVE_ALL_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Shift+L"
#define FW_EDIT_CUT_ACCEL   "Ctrl+X"
#define FW_EDIT_COPY_ACCEL   "Ctrl+C"
#define FW_EDIT_PASTE_ACCEL   "Ctrl+V"
#define FW_EDIT_SELECT_NONE_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Shift+A"
#define FW_EDIT_UNDO_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Z"
#define FW_EDIT_REDO_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Shift+Z"
#define FW_EDIT_PROPERTIES_ACCEL   "Alt+Enter"

Detailed Description

The 'Child Frame' API for the X11workbench Toolkit identifies those functions that implement 'Child Frame' windows. A Child Frame window is a child window that is registered with the containing frame window and typically displays a tab on the frame window for easy access. It also has its own menu and menu handlers. Typically another window type will 'derive' from this.

See also
Edit Window APIs and Structures

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FW_EDIT_COPY_ACCEL   "Ctrl+C"

standard menu accelerator key for 'Edit Copy' functionality

Definition at line 130 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Copy' functionality

Definition at line 113 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_EDIT_CUT_ACCEL   "Ctrl+X"

standard menu accelerator key for 'Edit Cut' functionality

Definition at line 129 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Cut' functionality

Definition at line 112 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Delete' functionality

Definition at line 115 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_EDIT_PASTE_ACCEL   "Ctrl+V"

standard menu accelerator key for 'Edit Paste' functionality

Definition at line 131 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Paste' functionality

Definition at line 114 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_EDIT_PROPERTIES_ACCEL   "Alt+Enter"

standard menu accelerator key for 'Edit Properties' functionality

Definition at line 136 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Properties' functionality

Definition at line 120 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_EDIT_REDO_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Shift+Z"

standard menu accelerator key for 'Edit Redo' functionality

Definition at line 135 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Redo' functionality

Definition at line 119 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu accelerator key for 'Edit Select All' functionality

Definition at line 132 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Select All' functionality

Definition at line 116 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_EDIT_SELECT_NONE_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Shift+A"

standard menu accelerator key for 'Edit Select None' functionality

Definition at line 133 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Select None' functionality

Definition at line 117 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_EDIT_UNDO_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Z"

standard menu accelerator key for 'Edit Undo' functionality

Definition at line 134 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'Edit Undo' functionality

Definition at line 118 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_FILE_CLOSE_ACCEL   "Ctrl+F4"

standard menu accelerator key for 'File Close' functionality

Definition at line 123 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'File Close' functionality

Definition at line 106 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_FILE_NEW_ACCEL   "Ctrl+N"

standard menu accelerator key for 'File New' functionality

Definition at line 122 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'File New' functionality

Definition at line 105 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_FILE_OPEN_ACCEL   "Ctrl+O"

standard menu accelerator key for 'File Open' functionality

Definition at line 124 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'File Open' functionality

Definition at line 107 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_FILE_SAVE_ACCEL   "Ctrl+S"

standard menu accelerator key for 'File Save' functionality

Definition at line 125 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_FILE_SAVE_ALL_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Shift+L"

standard menu accelerator key for 'File Save All' functionality

Definition at line 127 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'File Save All' functionality

Definition at line 110 of file child_frame.h.


#define FW_FILE_SAVE_AS_ACCEL   "Ctrl+Shift+S"

standard menu accelerator key for 'File Save As' functionality

Definition at line 126 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'File Save As' functionality

Definition at line 109 of file child_frame.h.



standard menu item identifier for 'File Save' functionality

Definition at line 108 of file child_frame.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ WBChildFrame

Structure that defines a Child Frame within a Frame Window.

This structure represents a generic 'child frame' within a Frame Window. You should not use the default implementation, but rather derive something from it, aka a 'superclass'. The callback function array 'vtable' (WBChildFrameUI *) will be assigned to the 'pUI' member so that the correct functions will be called for the many possible UI events.

In this way, you can derive many types of 'child frames', from text to graphic display and/or edit windows. For a sample implementation, see WBEditWindow

Additionally, you should not modify the member variables of this structure without using one of the API functions. In some cases, you might have to make additional function calls that result from modifying their values. The API functions will do that correctly.

The WBChildFrame structure is as follows:

typedef struct tagWBChildFrame
unsigned int ulTag;
// tag indicating I'm a 'Child Frame' window
Window wID;
// window identifier for the 'Child Frame' window. may contain 'None' while being destroyed
// a pointer to the WBFrameWindow owner
// default font for the window
// client-area geometry (excludes scroll bars)
// entire client-area geometry (for painting scroll bars)
// 'origin' in 'client units' (such as chars and lines) - determines scroll behavior
// 'extent' in 'client units' (such as chars and lines) - determines scroll behavior
// cached 'row height' (height of line including interline spacing)
int iColWidth;
// cached 'column width' (width of 1 character)
// 'scroll info' (horizontal and vertical min/max/pos and other details)
int iSplit;
// reserved - position for 'split' (-1 for 'no split')
// reserved - 'scroll info' for 'split' area (implementation-defined)
int fFlags;
// various bitflags defining features.
// display name shown in tab and title bar. You should not alter this member directly.
Atom aImageAtom;
// 'image' atom for display in tabs. default is 'None'. You should not alter this member directly.
char *szStatusText;
// Status text ('WBAlloc'd) to display when this child frame window has the input focus.
// Updated by 'superclass'. Can be NULL.
// WBAlloc'd resource string for this child frame's menu (NULL = 'use default')
// WBAlloc'd menu handler for this child frame's menu (NULL = 'use default')
// menu ID (from pszMenuResource or owning frame's menu) for context popup, -1 if none
// message callback function pointer (can be NULL)
void (*destructor)(struct tagWBChildFrame *);
// pointer to a destructor. if not NULL, will be called by FWDestroyChildFrame()
// pointer to 'WBChildFrameUI' function pointer table (assigned by 'superclass')
// 'Next Object' pointer in an internally stored linked list (do not alter or use this)
See also
Frame Windows

◆ WBChildFrameUI

Structure that defines a Child Frame's UI, mainly for a 'superclass'.

The base user interface for a child frame does very little except interact with tabs and the Frame Window. To make it really do something, you need some kind of interface. This function table defines the UI interface for a Child Frame that will allow it to perform basic editing and navigation functions. If you need additional capabilities, you can hook the messages with the assigned callback function. Otherwise, most of the work will already be done for your custom child frame.

typedef struct tagWBChildFrameUI
unsigned int ulTag;
// tag indicating I'm a 'Child Frame UI' structure
void (*do_char)(WBChildFrame *, XClientMessageEvent *);
// handler for regular WB_CHAR Client Messages (typed-in characters).
// NOT called for 'special' characters.
void (*scancode)(WBChildFrame *, XClientMessageEvent *);
// handler for 'other scan code' WB_CHAR Client Messages (typed-in characters)
void (*bkspace)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'backspace' delete character (backspace equivalent).
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*del)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'delete' char under cursor (delete equivalent).
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*tab)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'tab' char, or tab navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*enter)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'enter' char, or 'enter' for navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
// display the property sheet for the displayed document
void (*uparrow)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'up' arrow navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*downarrow)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'down' arrow navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*leftarrow)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'left' arrow navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*rightarrow)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'right' arrow navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*home)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'home' arrow navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*end)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'end' arrow navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*pgup)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'page up' navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*pgdown)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'page down' navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*pgleft)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'page left' navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*pgright)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'page right' navigation.
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*help)(WBChildFrame *, int iACS);
// 'help' context (F1).
// 'iACS' is the Alt/Ctrl/Shift flags. See Also: aWB_CHAR
void (*hover_notify)(WBChildFrame *, int x, int y);
// 'mouse hover' notification (x and y are pixel coords with respect to upper left corner)
// 'mouse hover' cancel notification (cancel any 'hover' action)
// returns non-zero if in 'insert' mode, 0 for 'overwrite'
// toggles insert mode on/off (press 'INS' key)
// copy selection to clipboard
// paste from clipboard
void (*cut_to_cb)(WBChildFrame *);
// delete selection, copying to clipboard first
// delete selection only
// select all
// select none
void (*save)(WBChildFrame *, const char *szFileName);
// save to specified file name (NULL to keep same file name)
// get (const) pointer to file name string
void (*mouse_click)(WBChildFrame *, int iX, int iY,
int iButtonMask, int iACS);
// 'mouse click' notification. See Also: aWB_POINTER
void (*mouse_dblclick)(WBChildFrame *, int iX, int iY,
int iButtonMask, int iACS);
// 'mouse double click' notification. See Also: aWB_POINTER
void (*mouse_drag)(WBChildFrame *, int iX, int iY,
int iButtonMask, int iACS);
// 'mouse drag' (begin) notification. See Also: aWB_POINTER
void (*mouse_drop)(WBChildFrame *, int iX, int iY,
int iButtonMask, int iACS);
// 'mouse drop' (drag end) notification. See Also: aWB_POINTER
void (*mouse_move)(WBChildFrame *, int iX, int iY);
// 'mouse motion' notification. See Also: aWB_POINTER
void (*scroll_vert)(WBChildFrame *, int iMode, int iValue);
// 'scroll vertical' notification. See Also: aSCROLL_NOTIFY
void (*scroll_horiz)(WBChildFrame *, int iMode, int iValue);
// 'scroll horizontal' notification. See Also: aSCROLL_NOTIFY
// 'mouse cancel' notification (cancel 'drag', etc.).
// See Also: aWB_POINTER , WBMouseCancel()
void (*get_row_col)(WBChildFrame *, int *piR, int *piC);
// Obtain the current row/column cursor location for UI notification.
// 'piR' points to an integer to get the row, and
// 'piC' points to an integer to get the column.
// Both are 1-based values (<= 0 is 'error' or 'NA')
// returns non-zero value if there is a selection
void (*undo)(WBChildFrame *);
// perform an undo
void (*redo)(WBChildFrame *);
// perform a re-do
// returns non-zero value if 'can undo'
// returns non-zero value if 'can redo'
// returns non-zero value if contents are 'empty' (cannot select anything)

A window interface derived from 'WBChildFrame' needs a way for the 'abstract class' to invoke the UI functionality. To make this work, the 'superclass' (i.e. derived) window interface can populate a WBChildFrameUI structure with function pointers, as needed, to implement the necessary elements.

For those elements that are NOT implemented, you can use NULL for the function pointer. That way if the derived window interface does not need 'hover' support, you can leave the 'hover_notify' and 'hover_cancel' function pointers as NULL, but populate everything else.

For the 'iACS' parameters, use the 'iACS' information from the aWB_CHAR. This is the 'Alt/Ctrl/Shift' flag that indicates which of those buttons were being held down at the time of the character translation. For more information on THAT, see WB_CHAR.

The basic difference between 'do_char' and 'scancode' is that the 'character' events will be passed along to the 'do_char' callback, but 'scan code' events (NOT processed by one of the other callbacks) will be passed along via the 'scancode' callback. This will allow your custom UI handler to interpret additional 'special' keys as needed. The ones normally processed are: insert, delete, home, end, pgup, pgdown, and the 'F1' key.

NOTE: if a menu defines hotkey combinations, no 'WB_CHAR' event will be generated for any of those. Instead, the menu handler needs to interpret them correctly if the UI callback will need to be invoked. One example in the X11workbench.c handler (for the main edit window UI) is the handling of the 'Edit' sub-menu, which includes hotkey combinations such as 'CTRL+V' for 'paste'. When the 'paste' menu is invoked, the handler will need to grab the WBChildFrameUI structure for the currently active Child Window, and invoke its 'paste_from_cb' callback function directly. Similarly, if 'F1' is invoked, it will need to call the 'help' function directly, passing the correct 'iACS' parameter value.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ WBChildFrame_FLAGS

enumeration for 'fFlags' member of WBChildFrame


does not use MDI tabs [intended for SDI interface]


use PIXELS instead of characters and lines to define the viewport


RESERVED - 'splitter' window with vertical sizeable 'split'.


RESERVED - 'splitter' window with horizontal sizeable 'split'.


RESERVED - bit mask for 'splitter' flags.


RESERVED - bit set if split cannot be sized with the mouse.

Definition at line 744 of file frame_window.h.

Function Documentation

◆ FWChildFrameEvent()

int FWChildFrameEvent ( Window  wID,
XEvent *  pEvent 

Default event handler for Child Frame window.

wIDA valid Window ID for a Child Frame window
pEventA pointer to the XEvent structure
An integer value, in which zero indicates "not handled", and non-zero indicates "handled"

Use this function to safely obtain the correct WBChildFrame structure for a given Window ID.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 947 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWChildFrameQueryClose()

int FWChildFrameQueryClose ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame)

Returns if it's safe to close the child frame; prompts user as needed.

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window
An integer value, 0 for 'ok to close', 1 for 'not ok to close', -1 on error

Use this function to safely determine whether it's ok to close a WBChildFrame window. The user may be prompted.

Internally, this will send a QUERY_CLOSE Client Message Event to the handler function. the default is to return a zero value, which is 'ok to close'. Your own function needs to handle this to prompt to save unsaved data and allow the user to cancel (thus returning a '1'). The message is invoked via an 'internal' Send Event which will directly call the handler functions.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 913 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWChildFrameRecalcLayout()

void FWChildFrameRecalcLayout ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame)

Child frame notification callback (called by frame window)

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window

The frame window will call this function whenever the layout changes, including at the point the child frame is added to the frame window. Internally, it will call the user-defined event handler function with an event type of 'ClientMessage' and message type RESIZE_NOTIFY

The 'superclass' user-defined event handler MUST update scroll bar info when it receives this message, in order for scrolling to work correctly, and should NOT call FWChildFrameRecalcLayout() when processing the aRESIZE_NOTIFY message.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 845 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWChildFrameStatusChanged()

void FWChildFrameStatusChanged ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame)

Notify Child Frame to update status text in Frame Window.

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window

This function notifies the Child Frame that the status has changed, and it needs to update the status text in the associated Frame Window. The status text is NOT generated by the child frame object itself; rather, the derived 'superclass' window updates it internally. This function is simply a notification to update the frame window display. It may be called internally, or at any time whenever the status might have changed. This includes 'tab switch'.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 897 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWDestroyChildFrame()

void FWDestroyChildFrame ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame)

Destroy an Child Frame.

pChildFrameA pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the Child Frame

Call this function to destroy the actual window and de-reference

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 329 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWGetChildFrameStruct()

static __inline__ WBChildFrame* FWGetChildFrameStruct ( Window  wID)

Obtain the associated WBChildFrame structure pointer for a Window ID.

wIDA valid Window ID
A pointer to the associated WBChildFrame structure (if it is a WBChildFrame), or NULL on error

Use this function to safely obtain the correct WBChildFrame structure for a given Window ID.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 376 of file child_frame.h.

◆ FWInitChildFrame()

int FWInitChildFrame ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame,
WBFrameWindow pOwner,
WB_FONTC  pFont,
const char *  szFocusMenu,
const WBFWMenuHandler pHandlerArray,
WBWinEvent  pUserCallback,
int  fFlags 

Initialize a child frame (assumed to be a base 'class' for the window)

pChildFramea pointer to the WBChildFrame associated with the window. Can not be NULL.
pOwnerA pointer to the owning WBFrameWindow. Can not be NULL.
pFontThe desired WB_FONTC font, or 'NULL' to use the default
szFocusMenuA const pointer to a text-based menu resource describing the menu that should appear when the Child Frame's tab has the focus. Can be NULL if none.
pHandlerArrayA const pointer to an array of WBFWMenuHandler structures for the 'focus' menu handler. Can be NULL if none.
pUserCallbackA pointer to the callback function that handles messages (Return 0 for default handling, != 0 if handled). Can be NULL.
fFlagsA bitwise 'or' of the desired flags associated with this Child Frame. See 'WBChildFrame_FLAGS'
an integer value, 0 on success, anything else being an error code

This function creates the actual window for a 'derived' Child Frame window, and correctly initializes that portion of the internal data structure corresponding to a Child Frame. The 'WBChildFrame' should normally be the first member of the data structure representing the 'derived' Child Frame window, so you can do a direct type cast of the pointer, similar to the way abstraction and polymorphism works in C++.
A child frame is not created directly. Instead, create the 'derived' version's structure, and initialize the structure for the derived behavior, with the WBChildFrame structure as the first element. Then initialize the WBChildFrame structure with this function, which will create the child frame window ID and register it with the specified WBFrameWindow.
Failure to call this function will prevent the 'Child Frame' functionality from working correctly, and will not register the relationship between the Window ID and the WBChildFrame structure.

NOTE: To create a stand-alone 'derived' Child Frame, first create a minimal frame window, with disabled 'tabs'. Then, create the Child Frame 'derived' window using WBInitChildFrame(). Only one will be allowed.
NOTE 2: If WBInitChildFrame() returns a non-zero value, do NOT call WBDestroyChildFrame() on that WBChildFrame .

See also
Frame Windows

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 118 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWSetChildFrameContextMenuID()

void FWSetChildFrameContextMenuID ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame,
int  nID 

Function to assign the context menu ID (from the menu resource) to a Child Frame.

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window
nIDThe popup menu ID from the active menu's resource; can be the owner frame's menu OR a menu assigned by FWSetChildFrameMenu(). The default is -1, which does not display a context menu

Assigns the (new) context menu ID for the Child Frame. A value of '-1' (the default) does not display any context menu with SHIFT+F10 or right-mouse-click. Otherwise, the active menu resource is searched for a popup menu with the appropriate ID value, and the popup menu is displayed as if it were activated using an appropriate menu hotkey.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 503 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWSetChildFrameDisplayName()

void FWSetChildFrameDisplayName ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame,
const char *  szDisplayName 

Assign the display name.

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window
szDisplayNameA pointer to a character array containing the new display name text, to appear in the tab and/or title bar

Assigns the display name for the Child Frame, to appear in the tab and (optionally) in the frame window's title bar whenever the Child Frame has the focus.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 571 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWSetChildFrameExtent()

void FWSetChildFrameExtent ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame,
int  iXExtent,
int  iYExtent 

Set the X,Y extent for the child frame (notifies everything)

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window
iXExtentthe 'X' extent of the display surface
iYExtentthe 'Y' extent of the display surface

Use this function to assign the X and Y extents for the display surface on a Child Frame window. Calling this function will set up the scrolling behavior as well as notifying 'everything' of the changes, such as re-painting the window or re-sizing something.

A 'superclass' callback function handling aRESIZE_NOTIFY should not call this function. Instead, it should call FWSetChildFrameScrollInfo() instead, which will not cause recursion.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 645 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWSetChildFrameImageAtom()

void FWSetChildFrameImageAtom ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame,
Atom  aImage 

Assign the image atom for the child frame. the image appears in the tab associated with the child frame.

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window
aImageAn atom that identifies the registered image. The default is no image. For more information, see PXM_RegisterPixmapResource().

Assigns the Atom for the image to be displayed in the tab. The default is no image. The image will appear on the far left edge of the tab, before the tab text. Typically it will be an icon-like image that represents the contents of the document being viewed/edited in that particular tab.
the image should be approximately 16 pixels high, and approximately 12 pixels wide, in order to to properly fit.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 593 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWSetChildFrameMenu()

void FWSetChildFrameMenu ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame,
const char *  szFocusMenu 

Function to assign the menu resource to a Child Frame.

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window
szFocusMenuA const pointer to a text-based menu resource describing the menu that should appear when the Child Frame's tab has the focus

Assigns the (new) menu for the Child Frame. The text will be copied, and the copy will be used internally, and free'd as necessary. Only valid when the owner is a Frame Window.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 478 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWSetChildFrameMenuHandlers()

void FWSetChildFrameMenuHandlers ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame,
const WBFWMenuHandler pHandlerArray 

Function to assign menu handlers to a Child Frame.

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window
pHandlerArrayA pointer to an array of WBFWMenuHandler structures -
See also

Assigns the (new) menu handlers for the Child Frame. The array will be copied, and the copy will be used internally, and free'd as necessary.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 515 of file child_frame.c.

◆ FWSetChildFrameScrollInfo()

void FWSetChildFrameScrollInfo ( WBChildFrame pChildFrame,
int  iRow,
int  iMaxRow,
int  iCol,
int  iMaxCol,
int  iRowHeight,
int  iColWidth 

Set the X,Y extent for the child frame (notifies everything)

pChildFrameThe pointer to the WBChildFrame structure for the desired Child Frame window
iRowThe current row (0-based) for the cursor
iMaxRowThe total number of rows in the current object being displayed or edited
iColThe current column (0-based) for the cursor
iMaxColThe maximum number of columns in the current object being displayed or edited
iRowHeightThe height of a single row (in pixels). For text, this would be the font height plus row spacing.
iColWidthThe width of a single column (in pixels). For text, this would be the average character width.

Use this function to assign the current scroll information and update the 'extent' information (similar to 'FWSetChildFrameExtent()'). It is safe to call this from within the 'superclass' callback function that is handling an aRESIZE_NOTIFY Client Message event.

Header File: child_frame.h

Definition at line 804 of file child_frame.c.